Import Data Options In Postman

 We can Import data in Postman using the following options

Options that are available today in Postman :

  1. File
  2. Folder
  3. Link
  4. Raw Text
  5. Code Repository
Import Button
In postman on left top of the corner you have Import button, click on that to import your data to postman


1. File

We can directly import files as given in the below formats including JSON format as well, ex-if you have some JSON collection file you can directly import and get as a same collection in your postman


2. Folder 
We can import the folder that contains collection JOSN and environment JSON files it will import as a collection folder in your postman 

3. Link 

We can import the collection or environment link (you can get it from swagger as well )that you get from anyone and it will import as a collection folder in your postman


4. Raw Text 

We can import as raw text as well, like CURL type as a request level

5. Code Repository

You must be signed into postman account to use this option, connect to your GitHub/Bitbucket account and authorize postmanlabs to access your GitHub repositories (same applies to Bitbucket as well, once you grant access) and then you can select the repository to import 




Video Reference - 

Saravanan Seenivasan
QA Lead Engineer

Stack overflow




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